by Sanam Ahmadi
My name is Sanam Ahmadi. I am originally from Afghanistan. My parents came to Germany as war refugees in 1990, seeking protection. My family and I have settled between two countries and two cultures here in Germany. Germany gave us a better life and the opportunity for work and a career. Nevertheless, we keep thinking about Afghanistan.
Being an Afghan abroad means having to experience the war in your old home from afar from a young age. We feel every attack, every bloody change of power, and the omnipresent poverty in our own everyday lives. We know the fear in the eyes of parents concerned for their families and have seen mothers weep over the news of their children who have been killed. We are separated from our families in Afghanistan and can only experience the life of the people there and the country’s development from afar.
As an Afghan and city planner, I would like to do my part to build up Afghanistan. I hope to apply my knowledge of urban planning to reconstruct Kabul in the future. But I also know that this cannot work without the involvement of the local population.
The population’s participation ensures acceptance for projects such as the city’s reconstruction and enables them to participate in the relevant decisions actively. But even if this integration is given, the reconstruction of Kabul will be difficult. It can only be achieved if enough qualified specialists are available in Afghanistan to integrate and implement the different claims, goals, and requirements in the reconstruction planning.
This is where StayIN can make an important contribution. With the help of the StayIN app, StayIN will enable the training of such local specialists – guided by highly qualified mentors abroad. Ultimately, the Afghans themselves must take on the task of rebuilding the country.
“Just as the earth needs water, this country needs its own people to rebuild it!” StayIN wants to pursue this goal, and I want to contribute with StayIN.
Photo by Mohammad Husaini
Originally posted 2024-03-16 14:08:21.