Prototype for dual training
Project: Prototype for dual training as an industrial electrician
In Afghanistan, a prototype for dual training as an industrial electrician is being developed to strengthen the electronics industry and infrastructure. Afghanistan has significant energy needs, but the electronics industry suffers from low investment and a shortage of skilled workers. The project aims to train a skilled workforce, train students in industrial electrics and improve the quality of training. It is implemented in three phases, starting with a requirements and occupational analysis, followed by the development of the training prototype and implementation.
Initial situation
The initial situation for the project to implement dual training for industrial electricians in Afghanistan is characterized by challenges in the area of electrical energy supply, the development of the electronics industry in the country and the overall demand of industrial electricians in the industry. Afghanistan currently generates about 600 megawatts of electricity from various sources and imports an additional 720+ MW. Nevertheless, significant demand of up to 7,000 MW is expected. The industrial electricity infrastructure is inadequate due to conflict, lack of investment, and aging equipment. In the 1970s, Afghanistan was a leader in the region, but conflicts have destroyed the infrastructure. The electronics industry faces challenges such as low investment, lack of skilled labor, lack of educational facilities, and frequent power outages. Meetings and discussions with numerous companies from different industrial sectors illustrate a huge demand of trained electricians.
To address these challenges, the main objective of the project is to promote the industry in Afghanistan and implement dual education in the field of industrial electrician. Transferring dual education to other countries has proven challenging in recent years. Therefore, the project requires an intensive testing phase and is to be considered as testing a prototype. With this approach, we want to ensure that the needs and specific circumstances of the country are incorporated into the implementation.
To achieve these goals, we strive for the following solutions:
- providing qualified manpower and professional expertise: We will take measures to provide qualified manpower and professional expertise in the industry. This includes the establishment of technical institutes and the implementation of a German curriculum in industrial electrics.
- training of students: We will train high school and college students to become professionals in the field of industrial electrics by providing an educational system that imparts practical knowledge and understanding.
- improving resources and quality control: by cooperating with government agencies such as DABS, the Ministry of Energy and Water, TVET and the Ministry of Industry, we will establish a working group to ensure coordination and alignment in the field of industrial electricity. In addition, we will promote cooperation between these institutions and enterprises to provide practical training and education for students, which will contribute to the practical development of skills in the industrial electricity industry.
Implementation and schedule
The implementation provides for the following phases, which are partly characterized by parallel and iterative execution.
Phase 1
Phase 1 of the "Requirements and occupational analysis for industrial electricians" is of crucial importance for the development of a customized training concept in Afghanistan. It includes comprehensive analysis of occupational requirements, evaluation of analysis data, survey of labor market needs, identification of participants' prior experience, definition of common competence requirements and comparison with German experts. This phase lays the foundation for further project development and ensures that the training meets local requirements and labor market needs.
Phase 2
Phase 2 "Development of the prototype for training" focuses on creating a workable curriculum for training industrial electricians in Afghanistan. It includes forming working groups for curriculum development, adapting German teaching and learning modules to local requirements, designing examination cooperation with Afghan companies, ensuring occupational health and safety measures, coordinating with educational authorities, and developing a testing and evaluation concept. This phase is critical to creating an effective training prototype that meets the needs of participants and the demands of the labor market.
Phase 3
Phase 3 "Implementation of the prototype training concept" is the practical step to implement the training for industrial electricians in Afghanistan. In this phase, the curriculum is continuously developed and prepared for implementation in companies and vocational schools. There is coordination with stakeholders, training of teachers, practical training of about 50 participants at different learning sites, and implementation of short missions to monitor the process. Evaluation reports are used to track progress and make adjustments to ensure that the training is implemented successfully.
Partners and duration
Collaboration with key stakeholders, particularly the Afghan government, including institutions such as DABS, the Ministry of Energy and Water, TVET, and the Ministry of Industry, is critical to the success of the Industrial Electrician Dual Training Project in Afghanistan. The project will be implemented over several years and is dependent on a number of factors, including resource provision, finding investors, and infrastructure development. The duration will be continuously reviewed and adjusted to achieve the best possible results. In total, we expect the project to take 3 years.