StayIN – Education is here to stay!

The Idea of Justice

by Schekeba Jentsch

Amartya Sen is an Indian economist and philosopher who received the Nobel Prize in Economics in 1998. Among his many thoughts, the most interesting for me is that on “The Idea of ​​Justice”. What does he mean by that?

Sen sees the norm for judging the justice and injustice of a society in the availability of free space for personal development. The family situation, the range of educational opportunities, the social structure and the urban infrastructure are the most important factors in achieving equal opportunity – even ahead of property and income. These factors give individuals the freedom to choose and achieve a goal self-determinedly.

Currently, this justice does not exist in Germany’s education system. The social status of German students strongly determines their educational success. StayIN is unwilling to accept this – our goal is to make educational success independent of the family background. Every student should be enabled to recognize their own potential and choose a path in life accordingly.

I think it is nice to know that a Nobel Prize winner like Amartya Sen also supports the basic idea of ​​StayIN.

Photo by Anderson Cyntrão

Originally posted 2024-03-16 13:58:40.