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“The Real Strength?”

by Zuhal Sherzad

“Strength” – a word that holds countless meanings. What exactly is the definition of strength? And what does it truly look like? As an Afghan girl, I won’t provide you with the textbook explanation of strength; instead, I share my feelings and perspective on this word, which encapsulates the essence of its true meaning.

Strength carries within it numerous stories, tragedies, hope, and even torture. It is when an Afghan mother endures the heart-wrenching loss of her beloved child who fought valiantly for their country. It is when all your basic rights are stripped away, yet you hold your head high and cling onto hope for brighter days. It is when your daughter approaches you with tear-filled eyes, yearning to return to school despite the absence of any visible path forward; nevertheless, you embrace her tightly and instil hope in her heart.

Strength manifests itself each morning as you awaken to news of new laws imposed by rulers that directly oppose your existence. Yet, you rise from your slumber and strategize on how to combat this ongoing battle. It is when your mother was the sole provider for the family but can no longer work due to circumstances beyond her control. Despite this setback, she clings onto hope and tirelessly searches for ways to support her loved ones.

Strength is embodied by a broken mother who implores her daughters never to surrender on their journey towards education. It resides within the story of a young girl who aspires to become a lawyer (in a country where the government thinks women don’t have rights) and defend women’s rights and human rights but must first gather the broken pieces and stand up again. 

These women refuse to accept failure in their lives. Living in a country where basic rights are denied, education is inaccessible, and venturing outside one’s home is forbidden, how can one possess such unwavering strength to envision a better tomorrow while supporting their family? The mentality of Afghan women today is one of defiance against cruelty and silence. They possess the power, the resilience to stand tall and speak up shoulder to shoulder, as equals to men. They are warriors fighting a battle alone, and they will never cease until the final chapter of their story is written.

In the words of Khalil Gibran, “Out of suffering have emerged the strongest souls; the most massive characters are seared with scars.” These Afghan women have emerged from their suffering with souls fortified by strength. Their characters have been shaped by adversity, leaving them marked with scars that testify to their indomitable spirit.

The real strength lies within these women who refuse to be silenced or broken. They embody courage, resilience, and an unwavering determination to create a better future for themselves and generations to come. Their stories serve as a testament to the power of the human spirit and remind us all that strength can be found even in the darkest of times.

Originally posted 2024-03-16 14:28:17.